MountainCity Welcomes Drew Schofield to FB Live
(Denver, CO) In 2013 Drew Schofield, MountainCity’s special guest on Facebook Live* recently, entered a Southwest Airlines songwriting contest. The prize was being flown to Nashville to perform at an event Southwest sponsored. Drew wrote a “little ditty, shamelessly plugging Southwest,” he says, and he won the competition. The icing on the cake was that he also got to perform on a plane at 35,000 feet in the air. It’s part of Southwest’s “Artists on the Fly” entertainment promotion. It’s also one of Drew’s favorite musical memories so far.
Award-winning singer-songwriter Drew Schofield and his wife, Chelsea, moved to Denver to be part of a church. They have three children. In 2008 he started writing and performing music.
“This is a tricky season of life,” Drew explains. “Because I wanted to have a family, I ended up becoming a nurse to make a living. I love being a nurse and I’m advancing in my career in that profession, but also, having time for my kids and time for songwriting and making sure music is not just a ‘hobby,’ I’m figuring that part out”
Ultimately, though, he believes the balancing act he is performing is worth the effort to make sure the music happens.
Project Home
Drew and his wife, Chelsea started a non-profit a few years ago called Project Home, with the goal to help fund international adoptions and prevent children from becoming orphans in the first place.
Dave was quick to remind viewers that he sees the MountainCity Facebook Live broadcasts as a chance to shine the light on stories worth telling and to introduce creatives who are utilizing their gifts in significant ways. He said he and Tara, the married duo who comprise MountainCity, automatically resonated with Drew when they met because they adopted their son, Kai, and are passionate about adoption in the same way Drew and Chelsea are.
Drew’s 6-song EP, released in 2014, was created specifically to raise money for the non-profit.
“Art is such a powerful medium for bringing light to dark places,” Drew told Dave and Tara. “Adoption, social justice, loving on the broken among us to make a difference – these are the things we are passionate about,” he said. “Project Home has also been working with Light Up Hope, which supports orphans in Kenya and works to prevent children from becoming orphans, but also offers support to those who have.”
Live Q & A
A Facebook Live viewer posted the question: “Are there certain times in the day that new music and lyrics come to you? How do you take note of those or can you remember them later?”
“It does hit you sometimes,” Drew was quick to answer, “right when you have the least amount of time to dedicate to it. I use the voice memo app on my phone when some topic or lyrics just lodge themselves in my heart. Sometimes it’s like ‘Oh my gosh, that’s something that that needs to be put into a song,’” he said of inspiration striking during busy moments.
“So, that’s how I do it,” he went on. “I once tried an app that was specifically for songwriters. I wrote a whole song and the next day it was gone. So I don’t use fancy apps anymore – they scared me off.”

Drew Schofield, finalist in Guitar Center’s Singer-Songwriter 2
Success in music
When Dave asked Drew what success in music would mean to him, Drew said it is something he thinks about a lot, knowing it’s important in his life.
“Honesty, I don’t know what the future holds for it, but I do know that music is the language of my soul,” Drew says. “So to me, success could be anything that allows me to write and record music, having it pay for itself – and to be able to do that over and over again. To me that would be success. That,” he laughs, “and to sell one more record than Katy Perry! Just one more!”
Buy the music
Drew says you can find all of his music in the usual online spots and you can listen on Spotify. He released his first full-length album, Away We Go, in 2012 and a 6-song EP in 2014. He acknowledges it is time to record again.
Dave and Tara said they’d spent some time streaming his music on Spotify. But Tara was quick to point out, as artists themselves, that it’s great to listen on Spotify, but then if you like the music, you should actually go buy it!
You may purchase Drew Schofield music at iTunes, Amazon, Noisetrade or even buy a physical CD at his website .
“Help him beat Katy Perry – pay for his music,” Tara laughs.
Connect with Drew Schofield here:
*MountainCity goes LIVE on Facebook each Wednesday night at 7:30 pm MST
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Dave would like to thank his sponsor Shubb Capos
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